Havas Tests Zeotap and Infosum Data Partnership as Agencies Enter Onboarding

“Brands are eager to onboard and match data sets, but don’t want first-party data to leave their own systems. They want user-level targeting, without the risk in trafficking actual consumer data.

Zeotap and InfoSum are tackling this data paradox with an onboarding partnership, announced on Monday, that allows marketers and agencies to sync data from InfoSum’s secure data warehouses using Zeotap’s onboarding and identity product as the connective tissue.

“Data onboarding is a slow, unrewarding process for many brands and agencies.” – Bret Leece, chief data and innovation officer at Havas

Data onboarding is a slow, unrewarding process for many brands and agencies, said Bret Leece, chief data and innovation officer at Havas, the first client to use Zeotap and InfoSum’s joint data service.

Data processors like Experian, Acxiom and Merkle could take a week or more to return matches or enhanced customer files, Leece said. Not only is this process time consuming, it also leads to data leakage whenever an onboarder jumps from a list of home or email addresses to cookie-based online audiences.

“…And Zeotap’s connection across InfoSum’s warehouses enable audience matches ensure clients don’t have to send their first-party data to someone else’s servers, preventing data loss. It also means match rates and audience analytics can be returned in hours or a day, instead of a week or more…”

But InfoSum’s data warehouses are “locked tight like bunkers”, said CRO Richard Foster. And Zeotap’s connection across InfoSum’s warehouses enable audience matches ensure clients don’t have to send their first-party data to someone else’s servers, preventing data loss. It also means match rates and audience analytics can be returned in hours or a day, instead of a week or more.

It takes a long time for two companies to match their audiences, as departments like marketing, biz dev and legal all have to weigh in, Leece said. Then, it could take another week or more before the onboarding company sends back results.

And, even when the project is done, there’s no guarantee that the match rates were high or that the analytics are useful…”

To read the full press release originally published by James Hercher // Monday, January 13th, 2020 via Adexchanger click here.

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