Zeotap Whistleblowing Channel

The Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz – HinSchG) covers allegations of criminal behaviour and violations of several EU and local regulations.

Zeotap ensures the compliance with the Whistleblower Protection Act by providing the possibility of submitting a report to your supervisor or via a whistleblowing channel administered by the external service provider COMPLIANCE.ONE GmbH in order to ensure confidentiality and independency.

The whistleblowing channel is also accessible through this page (our official webpage zeotap.com). Current and former employees, service providers, customers or third parties can use it. Information can also be submitted anonymously to the whistleblowing channel.

The reporting channels and case management system accept written reports via the website https://zeotap.compliance.one and telephone reports to your whistleblower hotline +498962825807(de).

Once a report has been submitted, our internal reporting system will confirm to the reporter the reception of the report within 7 days.