Leading Security Company Achieves Exceptional Campaign Results on Facebook Thanks to OMD’s Custom Segmentation and Zeotap’s Interest and Purchase Intent Data

Summary: OMD, the global media communications agency, and zeotap, the global identity resolution and deterministic data platform, have achieved an increase of 30% in conversions and a reduction of 85% in the cost per conversion on Facebook for leading security company, the number one supplier in Europe of home alarms and connected services for the protected and connected home. These results are possible thanks to zeotap’s deterministic data and OMD’s innovative segmentation approach and execution on social networks 16th December, Madrid, Spain: With the aim of increasing sales during its off-season, the brand launched several digital campaigns targeting frequent travelers. It had a very clear objective: to turn the most qualified leads into sales. Through the campaign, potential clients were prompted to a landing page, where they could complete a series of questions and leave their contact details. The brands call center would then call the prospects with the least lead time possible in order to close the sale.  Thanks to zeotap’s deterministic data, OMD was able to perform its user segmentation based on real interest. Zeotap offered raw app usage data from SDKs of apps and software security companies, which offered total granularity and transparency. Since OMD could choose the apps individually, they were able to fully customize the segment according to the specific needs of the brand. The segmentation also included travel purchase intent data (for both hotels and rented apartments) from e-commerce stores and affiliates, which zeotap updates on a daily basis. Together, OMD and zeotap guaranteed reaching the target audience with maximum precision and outstanding results. The brand experienced a substantial increase in its main KPIs with 30% increase in conversions and an 85% reduction in cost per conversion (conversions were measured as sales).
“We are extremely pleased at having achieved such impressive results for our client,” said Orlanda Aragón, Brand Leader OMD. “Although Facebook’s sociodemographic data tends to secure good performance, when we are dealing with interests or purchase intention, relying on external quality data is a much better strategy. ”  “Our interest and purchase intent data offers a precision that is difficult to match,” said Laura Ruiz, Senior Account Executive at zeotap. “Any Facebook campaign that leverages  zeotap’s data ends up being more relevant to the target audience and, consequently, less costly for the brand. “
Zeotap counts over 1Bn data profiles across the globe with its ID-verified sociodemographic data, its raw app usage and purchase intent data. The company already works with over 60 of the top global brands such as Mercedes-Benz, Unilever, Red Bull and Pepe Jeans in countries like the US, Europe, LATAM and India.
Original article: Marketing Directo: https://www.marketingdirecto.com/marketing-general/tendencias/omd-y-zeotap-logran-un-30-mas-de-conversiones-en-su-ultima-campana-en-facebook La Publicidad: https://lapublicidad.net/omd-y-zeotap-logran-un-30-mas-de-conversiones-en-su-ultima-campana-en-facebook/

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