How Breuninger boosts sales with 46% higher basket value using Zeotap CDP
Thanks to Zeotap CDP, Breuninger increased its average e-commerce basket value up to 46%, besides improving its overall marketing efficiency and revenue.
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Thanks to Zeotap CDP, Breuninger increased its average e-commerce basket value up to 46%, besides improving its overall marketing efficiency and revenue.
By unifying, enhancing and activating its customer data, the insurance company achieved a 5.5% incremental upsell lift, generated as an average across a few
By unifying offline and online customer data, enriching existing customer profiles and creating lookalike audiences to expand targeting options across advertising, the bank was
The end of this initiative resulted in the deployment of more data-driven insight and personalised experiences for CPG customers that streamlined the brand’s marketing
By the end of the initiative, the retailer was able to leverage Zeotap’s Enterprise Data to run its internal analytics, measurement and activation in
Zeotap licenses its full-stack Customer Intelligence Platform to the agency, which it now white-labels for its clients. As a result, the agency’s clients have