A rising tide of consumer awareness has seen data privacy become a key driver of brand reputation, creating measurable impact on customer acquisition and retention efforts.

Put simply, data privacy done well is now a tangible lever to increase revenue—and data privacy done poorly means more revenue lost than just in fines.

This report explores just how a brand’s approach to data privacy can impact the bottom line. To do so, we commissioned a survey of 3,000 consumers to identify how they feel about the data privacy standards of companies they interact with, as well as the actions these companies need to take in order to gain their trust and business.

Download the report to uncover the top consumer insights influencing each stage of your purchase funnel, including:

  • Awareness: the rise of the cautious consumer (and what they’re doing to hold brands to account)
  • Evaluation: the data privacy characteristics that separate your brand from competitors
  • Conversion: the privacy practice that makes nearly two-thirds of consumers more likely to buy
  • Retention: which privacy oversights that drive consumers to abandon the brands they buy from
  • Profit: why attempting to collect too much data will cost you more in the long run