Zeotap Data Tribe

12 Smart Premium Segments to Enhance your Targeting

As a pioneer in data solutions, our goal is to provide advertisers with reliable, consented data to enhance their campaigns.
This is why we created “Zeotap Tribes“: to meet specific campaign needs across the most important advertising verticals. These meticulously crafted segments empower marketers to gain a deeper understanding of their target audiences, enhancing campaign efficiency and driving better results.

Zeotap Tribes are a collection of 12 smart premium audience segments: cohorts of individuals who exhibit similar interests, preferences, or behaviours.

What's your tribe?

Fitness Enthusiast

Fitness Enthusiast

consists of individuals who have a keen interest in fitness, exercise and healthy lifestyle.

Lifelong Learners

Lifelong Learners

is composed of individuals with a thirst for knowledge and continuous learning.

Tech Geeks

Tech Geeks

consists of individuals with a deep passion for technology and all things related.

Fashion Trend Chaser

Fashion Trend Chaser

is a community of individuals who have a keen eye for the latest fashion trends.



is a community of passionate individuals who delight in dining out, exploring diverse world cuisines, and indulging in gourmet food and drinks.

Everyday Investors

Everyday Investors

consists of individuals who are dedicated to expanding their financial knowledge, and developing effective investment strategies.

Green Drivers

Green Drivers

is a community of eco-conscious individuals who prioritise sustainable transportation, including electric and hybrid vehicles.

Adrenaline Junkies

Adrenaline Junkies

is a vibrant community of thrill-seekers who love extreme sports like snowboarding, surfing, scuba diving, and more.

Experience Travelers

Experience Travelers

are people who have a deep appreciation for immersive and adventurous trip.

Beauty Gurus

Beauty Gurus

consists of individuals who have a deep passion for beauty and skincare.

New Movers

New Movers

is a group of individuals who have recently relocated to new houses or flats.

Luxurious Lifestyle Seekers

Luxury Lifestyle Seekers

is a community of individuals who actively pursue a high-end, indulgent lifestyle.

How did we create each Tribe?

Zeotap Data receives millions of signals daily, including  mobile telco’s, e-commerce, offline data, app usage, hobbies, travel plans and purchase intentions. Zeotap Tribes are built by analysing all these signals to recognise common traits between users, in order to organise them into coherent groups of people who share similar interests, preferences, or behaviours. 


What are the benefits in using Zeotap Tribes?


  • High quality and accuracy: Zeotap Tribes are built by taking into consideration multiple data signals indicating this person belongs to the segment, as opposed to a single signal.
  • Living Audiences: Zeotap Tribes are being consistently improved and enriched, ensuring you will always be targeting fresh, relevant data
  • Efficiency: there is no need to layer multiple data segments on the activation channel level, so you will not be paying multiple CPM’s and/or compromising on scale
  • Insights: In the next phase of development,  Tribes insights will be introduced such  age and gender distribution

What's your tribe?

Request more information

If you want to have more detailed information regarding Zeotap Tribes, fill out the form to contact us, one of our experts will get in touch with you soon.