How a Mobile Bank Cuts Acquisition Costs With Zeotap CDP

By implementing Zeotap’s Customer Intelligence Platform, the bank was able to increase its marketing efficiency while spending less to acquire new customers. With its complete and unified view of customer data, the bank is now better equipped to create new target audiences and reach existing ones with more relevant offers and messaging.

Global bank refines customer acquisition strategy and yields 50% match rate

Exceptional customer care, thank to and advanced data enrichment
In addition to delivering a stronger acquisition strategy, the CIP delivered a 50% match rate, with a total of 60 million profiles enriched in the process.

German bank increases retention rate by 12% through unified customer identity

By unifying offline and online customer data, enriching existing customer profiles and creating lookalike audiences to expand targeting options across advertising, the bank was equipped to engage new and existing customers with personalised experiences at a lower cost.