Zeotap Gets ISO 27001 Re-Certified and Adds CSA (Cloud Security Alliance) Silver Star Certification

Berlin, London, Madrid,  Milan, Mumbai, New York, Paris:
One year after getting its ISO/IEC 27001 enterprise-grade security certification, zeotap has been able to prove once more that it meets the stringent requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving the information security management system (ISMS) defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). As a result, zeotap received its ISO re-certification in May 2018.
Moreover, zeotap undertook an additional rigorous security assessment for the parts of its business that make use of cloud services and was awarded the STAR Silver – and the 2nd highest level – by the independent and non-profit CSA (Cloud Security Alliance) certification body. The CSA certification is only granted only on the grounds of a successful ISO certification and can be regarded as an additional layer of security and both certifications entail a rigorous audit in which not only technological safeguards and monitoring are tested, but also the security of office premises, communication safeguards, quality of leadership and management and the degree to which employees are educated about the topic. You can view zeotap’s ISO certification here and its CSA certification here.

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