Zeotap CDP: The Best Salesforce Data Cloud Alternative

Easy integration, marketer-friendly design, and instant value without complex setups or hidden costs

✅ Positive business results in just 2 months
✅ Personalised customer experiences
✅ Built for marketers, not just data scientists


60+ International Clients Trust Zeotap CDP

Side-by-Side: Zeotap CDP vs. Salesforce Data Cloud

Zeotap CDP and Salesforce’s Data Cloud CDP platform employ distinct strategies for managing customer data.

Zeotap CDP is a best-of-breed (BoB) solution suited for marketers and businesses focused on agile, data-driven strategies that require rapid deployment and straightforward user interfaces.

Salesforce Data Cloud is a best-of-suite (BoS) CDP ideal for organisations already embedded in the Salesforce ecosystem and that can navigate longer, more complex configurations.

Zeotap CDP vs. Salesforce Data Cloud: In-Depth Feature Comparison

What are the feature-by-feature differences between Zeotap CDP and Salesforce Data Cloud?

Zeotap CDP Salesforce Data Cloud
Primary focus B2C B2B
Time-to-value 8 weeks Up to 15 months
Multiple ID strategies
Self-serve for marketers
360° customer view
Predictive AI

Why Choose Zeotap CDP Over Salesforce Data Cloud?

Immediate value

Zeotap CDP delivers positive business outcomes in just 8 weeks. In contrast, best-of-suite solutions like Salesforce Data Cloud typically take 9 to 15 months to implement.


Native on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Zeotap CDP offers seamless GCP integration and deployment to enhance existing tools with improved latency and cost efficiencies. 


Intuitive interface designed for marketers 

Zeotap CDP delivers exceptional results with minimal training. Its user-friendly design allows everyone in your marketing team to make data-driven decisions.


Advanced identity resolution

Zeotap creates detailed customer profiles using advanced identity stitching, including cookieless ID, to make campaigns more targeted and personalised.

Efficient & scalable data management 

Zeotap CDP easily handles large datasets from various sources, ensuring scalability. It is built to meet increasing data demands even during rapid growth or seasonal peaks.


AdTech & MarTech ecosystem connectivity 

Zeotap CDP offers extensive API connectors and out-of-the-box integrations, facilitating a more cohesive and versatile marketing technology stack. 


Privacy-centric approach 

Made in Germany, Zeotap CDP prioritises privacy, meets strict European data standards, and ensures user trust in a privacy-first era.

Turn Your Customer Data into a Competitive Advantage

Key Differences Between Zeotap CDP & Salesforce Data Cloud

Key Differences Between Zeotap CDP & Salesforce Data Cloud


Salesforce Data Cloud requires extensive technical setup and SQL coding, typically taking 9-15 months to implement. Zeotap CDP is ready to go out of the box and intuitive enough for marketers to integrate and deploy.


Salesforce Data Cloud's need for multiple licenses and its complicated integration process can result in high and unexpected costs. Zeotap CDP offers a transparent, modular subscription plan that businesses can tailor to specific needs.


Salesforce Data Cloud supports 400+ integrations, though few are geared toward CDP use cases. AdTech channel integrations are limited. Zeotap CDP offers 150+ leading MarTech integrations, linking customer data to essential business tools with just a few clicks.

Success stories and quotes

Success Stories: Positive Business Outcomes Driven by Zeotap CDP

Virgin Media O2 and Zeotap CDp

Virgin Media O2 saves £1M by suppressing their existing customers from paid media, using Zeotap CDP

Breuninger and Zeotap CDP
Breuninger improved their marketing efficiency and revenue by increasing Avg. Basket Value up to 46%, using Zeotap CDP
Mercedes and Zeotap

Thanks to Zeotap Mercedes-Benz increased by 175% the CTR by streamlining paid acquisition campaigns. 

FAQ: Zeotap CDP or Salesforce Data Cloud?

Zeotap CDP can be quickly implemented without code to drive commercial outcomes in just 8 weeks. A best-of-suit (BoS) solution like Salesforce Data Cloud, meanwhile, requires considerable technical configuration and usually comes with long implementation cycles ranging between 9 and 15 months.

Zeotap CDP is perfect for businesses leveraging first-party data for targeted, personalised marketing. Its user-friendly interface simplifies complex data operations to make advanced marketing strategies accessible for all members, regardless of their technical skills. 

Zeotap CDP prepares you for the cookieless future by leveraging Zeotap ID+, a Universal ID system that ensures persistent, shared identifiers across the digital ecosystem. Using first-party

Working with a CDP based in the EU, like Zeotap CDP, can be important for businesses prioritising compliance with strict data protection regulations like GDPR. Such a CDP is likely to integrate better data privacy and security safeguards.

A flexible subscription model like that of Zeotap CDP allows businesses to tailor their customer data platform precisely to their needs. With its modular approach, companies can ensure they pay only for what they require and can scale as necessary

See Why Zeotap CDP is the Better Choice vs. Salesforce Data Cloud

Learn more about how Zeotap CDP can help unlock the full potential of your marketing data, including how to: 

  • Quickly integrate & deploy a CDP without code
  • Boost ROI through targeted, personalised campaigns
  • Prepare for a cookieless, privacy-first future