
Google Cloud Tech Talk: how integrating a CDP into your marketing strategy and gets results in no time

Integrating a CDP into your marketing strategy, can be complicated and time consuming. Usually time to value appears long but this should not be the case, as the reality is that you can see consistent commercial outcomes in just a few weeks if you keep it simple and tackle specific use cases such as:

  • Efficient customer suppression to optimise acquisition campaign
  • Lookalike strategies to grow your customers base
  • Relevant cross selling and up selling strategies

In this interview, delivered by Zeotap’s Chief Business Officer & Managing Director, Florian Lichtwald, and Andy Lewis, Head of Paid Traffic Acquisition at Virgin Media O2, at DTW (Digital Transformation World; 20-22 September 2022), you can learn how this British mass media and telecommunications giant managed to save £1M annually, decreasing Cost per Acquisition (CPA) on their paid media campaign and brought more new customers in return.

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