
Mef (Mobile Ecosystem Forum) Speaks With Zeotap During Mwc 2018

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MEF (Mobile Ecosystem Forum) TV speaks to Florian Lichtwald, SVP of Global Telecom & Data Partnerships at zeotap during MWC 2018, who discusses the background to their business and shares in-depth insights into how companies can maximize the reach of their data while ensuring security and privacy standards, and trust, is maintained.

“The digital advertising industry is very dependent on high-quality data since targeting is the only option to narrow down your impressions to the right users in a cost-efficient way.
The 3rd party data market is taking off and end-to-end data monetization platforms like zeotap are a great opportunity to scale a new revenue source.
You can use one platform to connect with all the major advertising players out there and keep technical and accounting resources to a minimum.”

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