Customer Data Protection: 8 Steps To Secure Your Customer Data

Long gone are the days where customer data protection was the preserve of one corner of the business – in a digitalised world, every customer-facing team has access to some form of data, meaning that they share the responsibility of protecting it.  In this article, we explore what ‘customer data protection’ means on a day-to-day… Continue reading Customer Data Protection: 8 Steps To Secure Your Customer Data

Your Guide to Aligning Email Marketing with the Buyer’s Journey

Lifestyle portrait of a young businesswoman sitting with smart phone at the modern train

The first step in implementing an effective email strategy is understanding where it fits into the buyer’s journey. The buyer’s journey typically starts with Awareness, moves through to Consideration, and finally results in Action.  To align correctly with the buyer’s journey, email marketing campaigns and their content should follow the same path by gradually building… Continue reading Your Guide to Aligning Email Marketing with the Buyer’s Journey