Unidad Editorial enables greater efficiency and grows customer spend with Zeotap CDP

Through Zeotap CDP, Unidad Editorial was able to replace a manual process with the automatic segmentation of customer attributes and activation of those segments, increasing the efficiency and the CTR by 33.95%.

UK-based Tier-1 telecom company reduces TCO by $1M by unifying siloed data

By unifying its siloed data across its 20 legacy systems into one single customer view, the telecom company was able to transform customer reach on an omnichannel scale, achieving a 30% reduction in Total Cost of Ownership.

Global media agency achieves greater marketing efficiency for clients

Zeotap licenses its full-stack Customer Intelligence Platform to the agency, which it now white-labels for its clients. As a result, the agency’s clients have access to an advanced solution that solves customer data challenges and allows them to produce more efficient marketing campaigns, while the agency achieved higher retention rates due to more satisfied clients.