[Webinar] The Value Exchange

A rising tide of consumer awareness has seen data privacy become a key driver of brand reputation, creating measurable impact on customer acquisition and retention efforts. Put simply, data privacy done well is now a tangible lever to increase revenue—and data privacy done poorly means more revenue lost than just in fines. This report explores… Continue reading [Webinar] The Value Exchange

[Webinar] The Data Secrets of Successful Marketers

As owners of the customer journey, marketers should depend on data in order to bring in new customers, retain current ones and create opportunities. But how much of this is actually happening ‘on the ground’? To find out, Zeotap commissioned a survey of 500 senior marketers, and we looked at uses of data between the… Continue reading [Webinar] The Data Secrets of Successful Marketers

[Webinar] The CDP Masterclass

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are the new hubs of the marketing tech stack – but what exactly is one? And more to the point, what ISN’T one? In this webinar, two experts from Zeotap and Silverbullet answer your burning questions about CDPs, with the aim of giving you everything you need to know in 45… Continue reading [Webinar] The CDP Masterclass

Webinar: No Cookies + No IDFA = New Opportunities. Identity Outlook 2020 and Beyond

zeotap and adweek webinar on customer intelligence

New York  — October 14th, 2020 What will the adtech / martech world look like with no #thirdpartycookies or #IDFA? Watch our webinar with Winterberry Group to find out. Speakers: -Bruce Biegel – Senior Managing Partner at Winterberry Group -Projjol Banerjea – Founder & CPO at Zeotap

Achieve Real Customer Intelligence

zeotap and adweek webinar on customer intelligence

This week zeotap hosted a webinar with Adweek where Our CEO and Founder, Daniel Heer, walked the audience through how to better understand customers by turning their 1st party data into actionable customer intelligence.  Key insights include:  80% of brands think they are delivering great customer experience while 78% of customers think otherwise – a… Continue reading Achieve Real Customer Intelligence