It’s Over for the 3rd Party Cookie. What Now?

On June 24th, 2021, Google dropped a bombshell on the advertising industry saying it would “phase out support” for third-party cookies on Google Chrome by 2023 (effectively killing them). So, what does this monumental shift mean for digital advertisers? With digital identity critical to the future of advertising, it is important to understand exactly what’s… Continue reading It’s Over for the 3rd Party Cookie. What Now?

Is It Time to Embrace the Universal ID?

60 percent of digital marketers cite connecting the dots across different channels as the activity that consumes the maximum time and resources. Linking customer identities to unify siloed assets is a crucial prerequisite to success, and marketers need the ecosystem to step up and provide a better toolbox. Enter the “universal ID” –– a game-changer… Continue reading Is It Time to Embrace the Universal ID?

One Decade, Four Data Revolutions

Data and identity has been top of mind for more than a decade in the marketing ecosystem. Trying to systematise its development, one can structure it into four major evolutions. This guide summarises where it all started and what has changed over the years: from the early days of contextual data to the era of… Continue reading One Decade, Four Data Revolutions

3-Minute Guide to Machine Learning-Led Marketing

We’ve come to the end of a cycle in AdTech, where past technologies will give way to privacy-compliant solutions. Data protection laws, such as GDPR and CCPA, are creating numerous challenges. However, while some AdTech and MarTech players left the European marketplace in reaction to GDPR, many remained, and this hasn’t stunted the speed at… Continue reading 3-Minute Guide to Machine Learning-Led Marketing

3 Key Standards for Marketers to Establish Customer Identity

At some point during these uncertain times, many businesses have found themselves on a sort of hiatus, with much of their activity—and certainly their marketing activity— drastically modified, or simply on hold. As much of a brake as this has put on pure marketing spend for the near term, it also can provide an opportunity… Continue reading 3 Key Standards for Marketers to Establish Customer Identity

What is the Future of Identity Resolution?

Asian male florist, owner of small business flower shop, using digital tablet while working on laptop against flowers and plants. Checking stocks, taking customer orders, selling products online. Daily routine of running a small business with technology

Salesforce observed that 80 percent of customers value the brand experience as much as the products themselves. While McKinsey reports that personalisation can reduce acquisition costs by as much as 50 percent, lift revenues by 5 to 15 percent and increase marketing spend efficiency by 10 to 30 percent. What’s at stake for marketers? It… Continue reading What is the Future of Identity Resolution?

Digital Identity Is at a Turning Point. What Now?

Digital identity has been universally challenged since 2017, but it wasn’t until 2020 when the whole adtech and martech ecosystem found itself at a turning point. Third-party cookies on Safari have already been blocked since 2019 as a result of Apple’s effort to strengthen consumer privacy. Google will be joining Apple in this endeavor and will be implementing the same… Continue reading Digital Identity Is at a Turning Point. What Now?

CDP Lookbook: Privacy-Compliant Marketing

In recent years, the data privacy landscape has experienced an incredible shift, with consumers demanding more control over their personal data, and their concerns codified through laws like GDPR in Europe.  This is where a privacy-first Customer Data Platform like Zeotap CDP becomes a necessity, and in this guide you’ll see some of the key… Continue reading CDP Lookbook: Privacy-Compliant Marketing

Navigating the Data Privacy Era: Is Your CDP Future-Ready?

Cheerful diverse plus size women at the beach

As the shift away from third-party cookies has demonstrated so clearly, marketers need to find ways to be more self-reliant, particularly when it comes to data. Brands have increasingly relied on Customer Data Platforms to make the most of their first-party data, but that’s just one piece of the puzzle.  Over the past few years,… Continue reading Navigating the Data Privacy Era: Is Your CDP Future-Ready?