Zeotap CDP: Targeted Campaigns with 360-Degree Customer View

The world of personalised marketing is an incredibly complex place. Why did one push notification campaign succeed, while another one fail? How can siloed customer data that lives across multiple marketing tools be collected and unified for optimised marketing? What is a 360-degree view of a customer anyway? Connecting customer data to multiple touch points… Continue reading Zeotap CDP: Targeted Campaigns with 360-Degree Customer View

Zeotap February 2023 Update: Important Integrations

In the month of February, we have a couple of very important integrations to allow customers to integrate the power of Zeotap CDP in their applications. We have also introduced the bulk delete capability through our Delete API. We hope you enjoy finding out more about these features below. Facebook Conversions API Facebook recommends that… Continue reading Zeotap February 2023 Update: Important Integrations

Zeotap January 2023 Product Update

Young businesswoman arriving at the hotel and filling in registration documents at reception desk.

In the new year, we bring a slew of new integrations to allow customers to integrate the power of Zeotap CDP into their applications. We hope you enjoy finding out more about these new integrations below. Adobe Experience Platform Tag Extension Adobe Experience Platform Tag Extension is Adobe’s universal tag management platform widely used for… Continue reading Zeotap January 2023 Product Update

The Power of Zeotap CDP with Google BigQuery

If you’re struggling to create a comprehensive 360° view of your customers in order to drive sales or reduce costs… and you are already a Google BigQuery (GBQ) user, this blog is for you.  Quality in, quality out Marketing teams are focused on driving results towards two key goals: acquiring new customers and improving customer… Continue reading The Power of Zeotap CDP with Google BigQuery

Reduce Data Onboarding and Complexity in Your CDP

As customers move more of their interactions online and in-app, the number of touchpoints where brands can collect data has exploded. Each channel can generate hundreds or thousands of data points at any given time. Brands need to understand their customers’ journeys holistically and use this knowledge to build features, offers and next best content… Continue reading Reduce Data Onboarding and Complexity in Your CDP

Gain Clarity on Audience Segments with Zeotap CDP

Are you tired of feeling like a detective trying to figure out the exact status of your audience segments? Do you find yourself stuck trying to understand why a segment failed, without any guidance on how to fix it? If so, you’re not alone. As a marketer, you’re not just looking for a powerful Customer… Continue reading Gain Clarity on Audience Segments with Zeotap CDP

Zeotap November 2022 Update: New Key Integrations

Zeotap CDP continues to launch new features and platform integrations that allow marketers to automate and improve the personalisation of marketing, sales and customer care campaigns to drive an average of 15-35% higher efficiency. The month of November brings you some exciting new integrations. Microsoft Ads Customer Match This integration enables our customers to push… Continue reading Zeotap November 2022 Update: New Key Integrations

Zeotap CDP October 2022 Update: New Key Features

Zeotap CDP continues to make significant investments in providing capabilities that allow customers to integrate the power of our CDP into their existing applications. This month, we bring you some exciting new API features and a new source integration:  Enhancements to Profile API for more granular audience segment information and a new profile deletion capability… Continue reading Zeotap CDP October 2022 Update: New Key Features

Zeotap August 2022 Update: Calculated Attributes & Real-time Data

The month of August brings you some exciting new features:  Calculated Attributes allows you to aggregate ingested events data for more nuanced audience segments that drive more conversions. Real-time Data Orchestration allows you to craft highly-personalised, omnichannel customer journeys while respecting customer consent choices.  A new integration: iOS SDK for mobile app sources.  Time to… Continue reading Zeotap August 2022 Update: Calculated Attributes & Real-time Data

Zeotap July 2022 Update: Customer 360, Sement Lifecycle & Data Extensions

Business people in the office

In July, we bring to you an array of exciting features that we have been working on: A new feature that allows visibility of customer profiles: Customer 360 (beta) A new feature that tracks segment processing: Segment Lifecycle A new data ingestion method: Salesforce CRM A new platform integration: Salesforce Marketing Cloud – Data Extensions… Continue reading Zeotap July 2022 Update: Customer 360, Sement Lifecycle & Data Extensions